Therapy Hive is able to provide Therapy Services to your education setting. We provide service level agreements (SLAs) for education based therapy services to ensure a consistent and reliable provision that achieves tangible positive outcomes for students. Our expert team of Speech and language therapists, Occupational Therapists and Assistant practitioners can provide specialist and targeted therapy with individual pupils, as well as universal, whole setting approaches which might include training or support regarding how to embed strategies and techniques that maximise each student’s communication potential into the teaching and broader environment.
Specialist -Specialist interventions are for individual learners whose needs cannot fully be met through universal and/or targeted provisions. This includes learners who will require ongoing assessment or adaptions to meet their needs. Direct therapy will either be delivered by the individual therapist, in a multi-disciplinary approach or via educational staff who can implement therapy programmes and approaches to support the individual. Those providing indirect therapy are directed and supervised by a therapist. Effectiveness of the intervention will be monitored and managed by a therapist. This provision might include the involvement of key adults e.g., parents and carers outside of the education setting. In these cases, the learner’s capacity for consent will be considered and documented. Provision at this level includes EHCP assessment and advice, episodes of care of highly specific interventions and specialist packages to support successful participation in the curriculum.
- Specialist 1:1 direct/indirect provision as outlined in therapy support plan
- Resource provision & research
- Feedback sessions with relevant staff
- Liaison with relevant others such as parents, other educational or clinical professionals
Targeted – These interventions are delivered in partnership with either other therapists or members of the educational staff. Therapists may model therapy and train others to implement the therapy programs. Targeted interventions include small group work where required with the support from educational staff. They might also include continuation of existing therapeutic programmes.
Provision at this level includes specific training and advice, assessment and intervention to train educational staff implementing therapy programmes and setting targets as outlined in EHCP’s. Some targeted work will be delivered by one or more therapists in conjunction with staff. This might change in time to targeted support being delivered by trained educational staff.
Delivery at this level includes:
- Group Interventions
- Indirect & Informal therapeutic support and problem solving regarding specific situations
- Regular multidisciplinary therapy Q & A’s for the educational team
Universal – These services are designed to support all learners and include promoting overall communication and sensory friendly environments. The Universal level has a focus on prevention and is accessible to all learners. It allows staff and other professionals to facilitate support for all learners with additional needs for their health and education provision.
Delivery at this level includes:
- Staff training
- Supporting staff in their ability to identify therapeutic needs
- Environmental adaptation
- General visual communication support
- Provision of visual resources
- Support strategies for attention and listening, memory, executive functioning, comprehension and self/co-regulation
- Providing opportunities for regular movement breaks
- Providing opportunities for regular access to outdoor environment
- Social communication and interactions
- Using appropriate levels of language
- Modelling therapeutic communication and social behaviours
- Supporting transitions
We can support your setting to meet the EHCP outcomes and therapy requirements for each of your students. We work closely with educational professionals such as SENCOs, Head Teachers and tutors to make sure that all the students that need our specialist input are getting it. We work with pupils with a broad range of needs.
Contracts are usually for the full academic year. Therefore, our service level agreement settings receive a special hourly rate for work completed. We are also able to offer short term support and one-off assessments and reports, e.g. for EHC application or onward referrals and/or support for individual students and these can be provided without a SLA in place and therefore are based on our usual rates.
If you feel you may benefit from therapy in your setting or would like any more information regarding our services please email or click contact us.